Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas recap #1

We had a ton of fun with our family in Texas! My mom had cookies ready for decorating:
Tristan had a blast with this outlasting everyone at the table! He kept creating new ideas with the frosting and even requested to do it again the next day.

Tristan and Alyssa! Tristan enjoyed playing with the older girls while Aidan loved the little ones.

Aidan and Keira. (See what I mean?)

My grandparents came over for a visit before a tornado was spotted 30 minutes away! They hightailed it once they heard that.

Aidan with Caeli.

My two sisters and I.


Jen said...

What great pics! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Tristan looks like a MAN now!!!!

LaVon said...

Great pics of you guys. Shelley reminds me of Aidan--no matter how bad she was feeling with the wisdom teeth problems--she's still smiling. that's how Aidan is. gotta love them huh?