Friday, August 31, 2012

End to our summer

We always joke that soccer never ends and we have never really wanted it to either - until lately.  Four weekends in a row of games on Saturday and Sunday - we are tired.  The first weekend was in Denver, both boys played Fri-Sun.  The second was Boulder where both boys played again Fri-Sun.  The third was the Air Force Academy, Fri-Sun.  Aidan played and Tristan worked as a referee.  Last weekend we had games Saturday in the Springs for both and then games Sunday in Denver for both.  Goodness!

Aidan's team finished second in the Air Force Academy tournament.  They have a new coach this year and things are really going well.  Aidan is in the middle on the bottom.

Our little trooper!  Always there, right along with us.  We make the best out of every situation.

Tristan's team.  They took this picture in remembrance for their teammate that passed away last year.  Tristan is third from the left.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Patio project

Earlier this summer we completed two home projects.  The first was restaining our deck.  When we bought the house two years ago, part of our offer was that the sellers would stain the deck.  They did but unfortunately they chose the cheapest stain ever so that it didn't last long.  Josh and I did some research and I found a company that said they could protect your deck for 20 years!  One of the coolest steps in their process was that they sand down the wood until it looks brand new again.  Here's a picture: 

Now, come to find out you have to have them out every 5 years to reapply the stain but if we can keep that up then it should last 20 years.  Although it wasn't exactly what they advertised - every 5 years is still better than 1-2 years.  Here's a picture of it completed, look at how that water beads up!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where have I been?

I'd like to know the answer to that myself!  Things are just busy, I have no time for anything "extra" in my life it seems. 
* Work is busy - there are days more often than ever before when we do not have an open room so I've been working extra hours when I can manage it around the boy's schedule. 
* Tristan and Aidan started school Friday - I don't think any of us were excited about it. 

* In what spare time that I do have (which is at 8:30-10:00 p.m.) I've started using the gym membership that we've paid for the past year.  It's been 3 weeks now and it's hard!!!  I get there every other night and I'm proud to say that I can now go 35 minutes straight on any cardio machine.  That's a huge improvement as I've never really exercised in my life. 

* On top of all of the above, the Olympics have stolen hours of my sleep.  I've watched every single night and love every minute of it.  Just don't love when that alarm clock rings in the morning!