Friday, December 10, 2010

32 week appointment

Heartrate - 140's
Blood pressure - 112/60 a little higher but still normal!
Weight - up to 15 lbs now.
Fundus Height - He said I was measuring at 36!!!! No joke, I'm 32 weeks measuring 36. My doctor's exact words, "you've exploded!" Not something an 8 month pregnant woman wants to hear.

I'm not stressing anymore about it though. I have another appt in two weeks and I hope to not see that much of a difference in the measurement, maybe it'll even out? We have an ultrasound scheduled after New Year's to check the baby's size and I guess I'll find out then what he suggests to do if anything at all.

It has really given me some incentive to get things ready for the baby around the house though. I'm washing everything, starting to get things out of boxes and put up. I may not really have 50 days left before he's here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, definitely not words a prego lady wants to hear. ha ha! I am getting so excited!! Thanks for all the updates honey! xoxo