Friday, August 20, 2010

16 week doctor appt!

Weight gained so far this pregnancy - 3 lbs!!!! WooooooHooooo! Now that my appetite is back this is no longer an easy feat.

Heartbeat - 150

Results from last appt testing - Triple screen was all normal.

This appt had more bloodwork of course, the AFP. It's a repeat of the 12 week testing to just make sure the levels are still normal and also to check and make sure the placenta is working properly.

Next appt - September 15th! This is the big ultrasound and we'll hopefully find out what we are expecting! Just my luck that ultrasound is booked solid and this is the first opening they had. Will I make it or cave and try to get the 4-D ultrasound downtown? If Josh would say yes, I'd schedule it today, ha!


Anonymous said...

go for the 4-D!!!! I am so excited!!! I can't be 3 for 3 wrong!! ahhh!!!

Stephanie said...

I can't wait till your sono. Mine felt like it would never come. During mine at first, the cord was between the legs and they couldn't see anything but the baby finally moved enough that the cord moved.