Wednesday, November 24, 2010

30 week appt!

Here are the details:

Heartrate - 143 and he was moving all around
Blood pressure - 92/60 a surprise again! I've had a lot going on to get ready for Thanksgiving and yesterday was a rough day for me.
Weight - 0 gain since two weeks ago. Holding steady at 13 pounds. (The boys and I were going through their baby books and I wrote that I gained 18 pounds with Aidan.)

We chatted a little about Meralgia Paresthetica which is something that I have noticed for the past two weeks. It's basically a nerve that is compressed around my pelvis or spine from the weight of the pregnancy or sometimes the baby's position that causes tingling in my left thigh and sometime the lower leg aches. It's not too bad right now though and once I deliver it should be resolved.

Also chatted about my prolapsed bladder and the discomfort that I had all day yesterday. If that continues or increases in frequencies they might be able to put in a pessary (supportive device)but I have to chat with the doctor about it.

Other than that, all is well! The Brown family will all be here in Colorado tonight so lots to do! I'll update with pics after the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep me updated with how you've been feeling.. and when you find out more about the "pessary (supportive device)". Love you!