Thursday, June 20, 2013

Three weeks ago

Before Pax had a cold with an ear infection and I had a throat infection...  before we all had the stomach flu...  before Pax had viral pneumonia and another ear infection and then gave me the most horrible chest cold I've ever had...  we went to the circus!

We had front row seats and it was awesome!  We couldn't spill a snow cone on the people in front of us this time.  

Paxton is an animal lover so the tigers and elephants were huge hits!

Too bad for intermissions, they've spoiled our last two shows.  When it happens, Pax thinks the show is over and is ready to go.  And when he sets his mind on something there is no other way around it.  We left the circus about 45 minutes early but had no problem getting out of the parking lot, ha!

1 comment:

Shell said...

That's funny about intermissions! I just bought tickets for the girls and I to go in August! We love it! It will be our 3rd time! :)