Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The ungiven

Aidan told me last week that he wanted to give a girl that he likes some jewelry. (I'm not shocked or against it at all because I remember that in 4th and 5th grades I had boyfriends and was given gifts. I'm just not in a hurry to get to all of this stuff, ya know?)

The boys don't really talk about girls much yet but I did know that Aidan liked someone last year named Christina. After asking a few questions it turns out to be that very same girl. Very impressive that at the age of 9 he has liked someone for that long. We talked about stuffed animals, flowers, or candy as a first gift and that jewelry normally comes once you are definitely girlfriend/boyfriend. He was dead set on jewelry so we made a trip to the store last Friday.

Oh my, the taste that he has in jewelry! He was picking out the most gawdy, ugly, plastic pieces I've ever seen. I finally got him to focus on the little pink boxes for little girls and he picked some earrings. He even paid for them himself!

Yesterday he was going to give them to her at lunch. I was so curious to find out what happened but you know our daily rush got to me after school - I completely forgot to ask.

Then Aidan says, "I couldn't give Christina the earrings today."

I asked, "Why?"

He says, "Can you believe she changed schools?"

"What?" I asked with a completely confused look on my face.

"She changed schools and isn't going there anymore. I asked her friends." Aidan says.

And he's a-okay with it. It didn't break his heart but I do think he would have really liked to have given them to her. Crazy stuff huh? But what a joke this can turn into! I have a feeling in a few years we are going to get quite a few laughs from this! (If it's ok with him of course.)


Auntie Shell said...

that is so adorable!!! what a sweetheart.. sorry she changed schools aidan, bummer.. love you all.

Stephanie said...

What a bummer! How odd it is that that happened the day he wanted to give them to her. Aidan's gonna be a heart throb and have trouble getting the girls away.