So most of you know what happened to us but for those of you who don't, here's the scoop:
Our movers showed up Thursday at noon. Around 3:30 we got a call that our agents were just notified that our buyers had their loan rescinded and we wouldn't be able to close on our sale the following morning at 11 am. Yes, 3:30 the day before. We had to make a decision immediately but it was kind of made for us by the mere fact that our movers had been packing us up for 3 1/2 hours already. UGGHHHH!
Needless to say, we went ahead with our move and thank God the fact that our house hadn't sold didn't affect our loan for the new home. We closed on our new house and got the scoop about our buyers. Come to find out their loan officer (who will probably lose his job now) knew for 2 weeks that their loan was denied but didn't notify them.
Our agents got the VP of the bank involved to take a second look at their application and it looks as if they should be able to straighten out the issues the bank had and we should be able to close at the end of the month. That's a blessing and we just need continued prayers to make sure this does happen.
So, the new house - it's great but nothing has gone as planned! Remember the snow storm I told you about? Yep, it happened and it closed all of the schools on Friday so I had to find a place for the boys to go. Along with Opal who I hadn't really thought about what I would do with her. I just assumed she could stay in the backyard but we couldn't do that with the weather. Luckily the PetHotel had a spot for her. Our movers were 2 hours late delivering our stuff (they ran behind on the previous job). The telephone finally got transferred today but it should have happened Friday. Cable was fixed yesterday but should have been done Friday also, blah blah!
Some funny things though - Opal got lost within the first hour being at the new house, ha! I decided that I wanted the treadmill to go into the bedroom in the basement and moved it myself. Well, that was until I pulled it up to the doorframe of the bedroom and it wouldn't fit. I couldn't back it up because of how close I had pulled it to the doorway and I couldn't lean it back onto the wheels. I was stuck in that basement bedroom for 15 minutes until finally Josh heard me yelling. I kept sending Opal up to get him and she would run up and then run back down to me but no Josh. Guess, she's not Lassie. Also, our doors have these locks that seem open on the inside but from the outside they are locked. I took Opal out to potty last night and closed the back door. Yep, locked out of the house with everyone upstairs. That one only took about 3 minutes of banging on the door before they heard me. We have got to be a sight for our neighbors!
Anyway, I'll update more soon. We have our first visitors coming tonight to take a peek. I'm excited!