Friday, February 25, 2011


It's official - Paxton has colic. I've thought this for over a week and now I'm sure. After doing my research they say that colic happens in 1 out of 4 babies and I guess I pulled the lucky card by having 2 out of 3 children with it. The plus side to this is that I've survived worse with Tristan. Luckily, Pax's happens anytime between 6-8 p.m. and the longest that he's cried is about an hour and a half. Josh is amazing with him though and can normally get him through it and off to dreamland in about 30-45 minutes. I have to say that there are some benefits to being older parents - you are more patient and wiser with some things. We didn't handle Tristan's colic as well.

Now that Pax is a month old - I think I'm more tired now then I was right after his birth. Could it be that you are living on adrenaline at first or does the routine with a baby added to your pre-existing family start to wear you down?

I had such grand plans to get a lot done during my time off and thought I would be Suzy Homemaker with breakfasts made every day along with dinner at night. Cleaning the house, shopping, and getting little projects done. It hasn't happened!!! I've succeeded with 2 dinners I think and 1 breakfast. The house has been vacuumed but that was it - so I caved, the housecleaner comes Tuesday. Ugghh.

I did get Pax's announcements ordered though and those have gone out in the mail. I can't believe it took me a month for this! I had a surprise email from the photographer that took our pictures and she has ordered some complimentary 8x10's for me to put up in my office at the hospital. What a surprise! It's to strum up some business for her from our patients but I'll take the freebies!

And to weird you all out - Pax still has his umbilical cord! It's been over 4 weeks and that darn thing hasn't fallen off. We are doing the alcohol and he hasn't had a real bath yet, just washcloths. If it hangs on until 6 weeks then we have to go to the doctor. Is this proof that he really wasn't ready to be born?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah Shea, hang in there honey. Colic is definitely rough. I spent hours with Caeli in a rocking chair in a quiet dark room for too many afternoons just trying to get her to relax. It's tough for sure. I hope it does not last very long. And as far as the housekeeper goes, if I could afford it, I most definitely would get one. At least to spoil me once a month. I get tired of it. ha! Can't wait to see the announcement too! Those pictures were so beautiful! xoxo