Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Don't know what to say!

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not! I've been thinking about blogging for two days now and I don't have anything to talk about! Not much is going on here, we haven't gone anywhere, no activities - just work.

The boys are back in school and we are trying to get back into our sleep routines. We have enjoyed two weekends straight with no activities and have slept in quite a bit. That means staying up later at night and now we are all off kilter! Hopefully it will work itself out by the end of the week.

Aidan finally brought his report card home yesterday. (I should have known something was up when it didn't come home at the same time as Tristan's.) He has a really nice teacher who is trying to help him along with things but the report card wasn't very good. We worked on homework for 2 hours last night and I realized my son doesn't even know how to look up a word in the dictionary. Lots of work in this area to come! I was told that it just takes some time for everything to all click in place and then he would be right on target but it's not clicking yet. Please pray for him and I; it's frustrating on both ends. For him because he doesn't like school and doesn't think it's that important. He does try hard for me - I really don't believe that a child decides, "hey, I'm going to suck at this/that." But he does suck and it's hard for me to understand how to get through to him when I never had those kind of problems in school.

Guess I did have something to talk about huh?


Jen said...

I totally understand the school probs. My oldest boy and both the girls are the same way. Mr. T gets all As and is on academic teams and in honor classes. He doesn't even try. Its just easy for him and that's exactly how I was. I get so frustrated because I don't know how to help the other 3! My husband is NO help because he hated school too and he just leaves it up to me because I'm "smart" Grrr! Good luck!

Shea said...

Hey Jen! My husband just gets frustrated also so I'm in the same boat. We had a good tutor last year and I might need to give her a call again. Just thought we might be able to maintain on our our. Bummer!

Anonymous said...

Alyssa went back to school this week and when she tried to read her weekly book to me, she couldn't even read the easy words that she learned at the beginning of the year. I got frustrated cause I read her the book and helped her pronounce the words and she still couldn't do it. When Preston got home, I had her read to him and she did better reading to him but still had some problems. She's been ahead of the other students but they are doing mid-year testing this week and she wasn't doing good at home so I'm scared how the test will come out.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there honey. Not sure if you remember, but I did not think school was that important until I got to college. I was never even asked by anyone (even teachers) if I even wanted to go to college and luckily I just created the idea as an escape from Tyler on my own. I had to figure it myself and set my own goals to accomplish. Memorable Quote from Mom (after college graduation) -"Your Dad and I did not even know if you would graduate high school." -Not b/c my grades were bad, but b/c I just was not interested. I would just recommend staying positive as much as possible, investing in tutors, setting a reward system for good grades or even just improvement, and hanging in there in general. You're a good mommy and he will be okay just b/c of that. xoxo

Shea said...

Thanks Shell and Steph. Tell Alyssa I said, "Good Luck on her testing." That's coming up soon for us also and it's in the back of my mind. No one wants their child to be held back in school.