Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So sick of being sick.

Who has time to be sick? I definitely don't and it sucks!

Tristan had a little summer cold early last week but either he's much stronger than I am or I've got something different. Yeah, he's probably stronger than me but whatever.

I've had to just suck it up and go along with all of our activities which included: work as usual, 7 hours of a soccer tournament on Saturday, shopping for our end of season soccer party on Sunday and then the party, an hour and a half at the soccer store for our team's uniform appt Monday evening, and back to work today.

I haven't slept well in about 5 days so I hope to get some rest tonight. The boys are going to a sleepover - yeah!


Stephanie said...

OHHH! I hope you get to feeling better.

Shelly said...

Sorry to hear honey.. get well soon you busy busy lady.. :)