The above word along with a little attitude has been used for a while in our house. It's really similiar to when someone says, "Well, excuuuuse me!" Sorreeeee isn't the same as saying you're sorry and really meaning it. Last night was the final time that I hope to ever hear that.
The boys were getting ready to go to church for their youth night and needed some money to take for the snack shack. I didn't have any cash but offered my quarters and also said we could run to the ATM really quick and get a couple of bucks.
Tristan says that he has quarters but Aidan won't let him spend them. I told him that of course he could spend them (they're sharing money for some weird reason). He runs to get the 4 quarters and off they go.
Later last night, we are getting ready for bed and I look over to see the board of state quarters that Aidan had been collecting. We had our board full thanks to my mom who sacrificed one of hers from her safe. Pennsylvania was a hard one for us to find and after a year we had almost given up! Anyway, my stomach dropped once I saw the board with 4 quarters missing. I immediately yelled for Tristan and yes - those were the 4 quarters he spent on skittles and a ring pop! No wonder he said Aidan wouldn't let him spend them. Why didn't I question that?
Tristan reminds me that I said that he could use the quarters; but that was me thinking that they were normal, regular quarters in their bank (which are there by the way). Aidan and I are in complete disbelief! And wouldn't you know it he used one of the Pennsylvania quarters which were the rarest of rare for us! Mom, we are so sorry! Aidan was extremely upset!
I told him that it was his responsibility to replace the 4 quarters asap! He looks around and manages to find two of the four we needed in dad's coin holder in the car. Our plan then was to contact the church and ask them to look through their drawer for the missing coins. (This is a long shot I know, since they hand out change all night but it's worth a try right?)
Forward to this morning - the boys have a little extra time before we leave for school and they are playing hacky sack in the living room. Of course they manage to kick it into a picture frame and knock the frame down on the shelf. I'm putting the frame back together and moving my knick-knacks back in place only to find a stack of quarters hidden under a musical water globe. They've been there for a while due to the dust that was collected and the fact that neither one of them remember hiding them there.
Immediately I search through them and I couldn't believe it - there was a Pennsylvania quarter!!!!! Tristan looks at me and says, "It's a gift from God!" I told him that it definitely was and that he needed to say thank you. Tristan told me he had prayed about it last night and that really touched my heart. I explained that I'm happy he prayed all on his own and it's good to do that. I also told him how important it is to not only ask God for things but to also remember to thank him for answers.
Wow, this little experience was amazing! We are still missing a New Jersey quarter so if anyone might have one, Tristan could use a little redemption in his brother's eyes. (You could always put it in an envelope with a return address of heaven.) Just kidding, but that would be really cool.
Mom- I'm so happy we don't have to tell you that we used that quarter. (Although, that's what really happened.) Aidan wouldn't have minded telling you this story at all. They love talking about each other's mistakes and screw-ups.