Friday, February 27, 2009


I had a minor procedure done today:

Tap did it for me:

Whatcha think?

(pic courtesy of Aidan on the i-phone)

It's been 11 years since my first tattoo and I've wanted another one that I could actually see without looking into a mirror. It hurt so much but was definitely worth it. Shell, I could breathe this time around so I'm getting better!


Anonymous said...

I'm so shocked! I had no idea that was the suprise. I love it!

Jen said...

Awesome Shea! I Love it! I got a small tattoo on my "midriff" about 10 years ago, but I have been wanting another one. And guess where I want it....Yep, on my foot! I don't think I can handle one the size of yours, but I am considering the word "FAMILY" in a beautiful script. Anyway, like I said, *LOVE* it! What do the boys think?

Anonymous said...

Very cool!!!!
Where'd you go to get it done?

Shea said...

Thanks so much Jen and Steph!

Aidan told me that I was really tough, that's got to be the biggest compliment a mother can get from her son. Tristan is a bit squeemish about the whole thing so he can't really look at it yet, ha!

Justin - you stranger! I went to a place called Tattoo Beat. I saw it on the way to church - go figure. It's not far from our house and the website was cool.

Anonymous said...

That rocks! OMG SHEA! When I saw that first pic, I thought something happened! ha ha! What a great surprise and super cute! AND PAINFUL! The foot is a hard place to get a tattoo! Good for you! Love it! Love it! Love it! xoxo

Shea said...

Shell - I've missed you! I would have called but didn't want to ruin the surprise! It was painful but I'm glad I did it! Glad you like it, it's got 4 stars - one for each of us.

Update me on your little vacation when you have the chance.

Anonymous said...

Awe.. I like the symbolism. Very sweet. I can't wait for my next ones. hee.. hee.. I never knew you wanted another one. A definite surprise! I emailed you about my trip. Wish it had gone better, Love you!