Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The big announcement!

For those of you who don't already know - it's another boy!!!

These are a few of the best pictures from today's ultrasound. (Bottom right is the money shot. He's impressed his brothers already!)
Here's the scoop on our appt:
Weight gain - 6 lbs, now I'm entering the part of pregnancy where it could be a pound a week.

Baby - weighs 14 ounces and is on target for his due date of January 29th. Heartbeat - 157. Yes that is definitely an old wives tale! Everything from the ultrasound looked normal. Thank you God!

Me - all testing came back normal and now with our ultrasound results we have a 1 in 1500 chance of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities. My chances are the same as a 25 yr old now. I did learn that I have an anterior placenta. It means that my baby is actually behind the placenta instead of in front. This is the reason as to why it took me so long to actually feel the baby move! I thought I was going crazy for a bit there but now it all makes sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these pics! They are so clear! Look at those little legs and those tiny feet! How adorable! :)