Thursday, September 2, 2010

Should I go into dentistry?

Well, we officially have our #3 for this week. That tooth that was hurting Aidan has a cavity but not just a normal cavity, it's all the way to the nerve! Technically he would need a root canal but it's a baby tooth and they don't always work well so we've decided to pull it and put it a fake tooth as a spacer. I should have known that it was going to be a doozy of a cost when they said they would go and get the numbers for me, ha! Turns out, I will need to pay $340 as my portion after insurance. And the killer was that in order to make the impression and start getting the spacer made I had to pay for it immediately! Let's just say that Aidan owes me big time. He's already started his new maintenance routine as his attempt to take better care of his teeth but I've seen that before - it normally lasts a few days. This poor boy won't have any teeth left in his mouth at this rate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah man, total bummer. that is about how much it costs me for my dental work too. (with insurance!).. sorry to hear, keep flossing aidan-pooh! keep those teeth b/c they all seem to start going down hill once you hit your 30s... yuck!!