We have a 14 year old girl watching the boys off and on for the rest of our summer. It’s only been two days and I’ve noticed a few things that are new to us:
Food is disappearing quickly around the house! Teenagers eat a ton! Not to mention the boys are normally at another location during the work hours and now that they are at home, they help themselves to whatever they may like. (Especially since there aren’t parents around!) I remember when we were growing up my mother talking about how she would grocery shop on a weekly basis and could never get out of the store for under a $100. She could go shopping on the weekend and by Tuesday/Wednesday the cereal, oatmeal, snacks, etc. would be gone. Wow, over the next two months I’m going to feel my mother’s past pain.
Temperature Control – I came in the house yesterday and it felt really cool. Cooler than normal so I asked Tristan to check and tell me what the thermostat said. 67!! I asked him what happened, someone must have changed it? He told me that they went to the park and once they got back, the sitter was hot and she must have turned it down. Wow! How about a ceiling fan or something? This is where the Karma factor kicks in. When we were at home during the summer (granted we are talking Texas here) we did adjust the thermostat. It seemed like our parents kept the home a bit warm so we took the liberty to change it. When they would walk in, I’m sure it was the same feeling that I had yesterday. They would immediately go to the thermostat to check it and get upset that it had been put in the 50’s or 60’s. Of course, no one would admit that they did it – it was always “the ghost”. All I can really say is, “Mom, I get it now.” (I’m not admitting any guilt of course. It couldn’t have always been me, ha!)
Conditions of the home – If you know me well, you know I’m a neat freak. Things may not be necessarily clean but everything is put where it belongs and it’s neat. Every morning when I leave, things are the way I like them. I’m coming home now to God knows what. This is going to be cured soon though because once we take the sitter home, I have the boys helping me put everything up and straightening all of the rooms again. This is done before we do anything else!
Ah, the revelations you get once you become a parent! Love ya Mom!