Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Personal battles

Have you ever wanted something so badly that it’s consumed your every thought? I’ve been struggling with this for the past two years but a couple of days ago there was a twist thrown into the mix. Things are completely out of my control now. For someone who likes to be in control this is hard to accept.

It also makes me wonder if God has a reason for all of this. I know he knows my life plan, maybe there’s a reason I’m in this position? Where to go now, what choice to make? Going after what I want, would be life altering for me and that’s scary. Is that selfish? Honestly, it is, it would affect more people than just me!

How do I go on with my life knowing that I’m not happy and that I don’t feel complete? These feelings are horrible. I should be happy with my life and all that I’ve been blessed with. I just keep telling myself that there is a reason for all of this. I may not understand it now but in the future I hope to be able to look back and know why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh honey, please call me, i want to hug you. i love you.