It's not a bad movie but it was disturbing. I didn't like the ending but that's because it wasn't what I wanted to happen. Liv was good and looked gorgeous as usual!
The website says it was 90 minutes long but we were out of there pretty quickly so I would beg to differ. Josh liked it though (they even got a jump out of him once) so if you like scary movies and aren't on the brink of a depression - check it out!
I thought it was a TERRIBLE movie.
It was scary and suspenseful and the scenes were done well, but NO PLOT. Just ppl trying to kill them. And the end just proved it.
I want to see it but will probably just wait till it's on tv. We don't get to go to the movies with Keira. Alyssa has been going with us for the past two years or so (even to the scary ones).
Watching it on DVD would be fine, I don't think you should buy it though.
Nancy's comment made me laugh - the very last thing that happened in the movie (Liv) is something that seems to be a popular thing nowadays when it comes to movie making. I think it's ridiculous and honestly ruins it for me. Sorry for the vagueness but I don't want to spoil it for those who might go to see it.
We thought about seeing The Happening - would that have been a better choice?
My sisters saw it and said to wait to rent it. I wasn't all that jazzed to see it in the first place. It'll be good for a day when there's nothing else better to do.
I did go see The Happening last week, and it was good. Creepy for sure, but doesn't have the same depth that M. Night Shamalayan's (sp?) films usually do. Still, it was enough to keep my breath held and my eyes half covered most of the time. I thought it was worth the price of the tickets, but then again - I love M. Night and we always go see his films opening night.
Okay, so I will see them both! Ha! I wanted to see the Happening much more as the scene in the preview where they were just falling off the building looked awesome, but I am up for any scary movies (cheesy or freaky). hA!
Steph, I can't believe Alyssa goes to the theatre and watches scary movies with you guys. And handles it okay? What a tough little girl!
The first movie that Alyssa went with us to see was Saw II. She loves scary movies and if I'm watching them in the living room, she always comes in there and tells me she wants to watch the movie with me. One night I was watching Dolls and she came to watch it with me.
One last question - did The Happening have a weird twist at the end like the Village? I liked that movie but couldn't believe the truth behind it all. I felt like a complete sucker!
No twist at the end of this one - I think that's why the movie felt more empty than his other films. Still, it was a good watch!
Thanks Kymberli! Have a great weekend.
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