Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

We've been a bit busy entertaining but I did want to post a little of our thankfulness for this year.

It's a tradition for us to go around and list what we are thankful for. This year the list consisted of:

Shea - my family, my friends, church, our home, my job, and Opal.

Tristan - my family, shelter, food, and Opal.

Aidan - my teacher and bathrooms. This was followed up by a potty joke of course.

Josh - at first it was just a cupcake but later he was thankful for his family, his health, his family's health, his job, and milk to go with the cupcake.

Shell and family made it here just in time to see the snow. It was awesome to spend Thanksgiving Day with part of our family. We did get up early and do our "Black Friday Shopping" but I'll post about that tomorrow. Getting up at 2:40 am and not being a napper has taken it's toll.

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