Thursday, November 20, 2008

From sweet to weird.

Did anyone else know that Weird Al was still doing his thing? I didn't, until Tristan was watching his videos on You-tube. He says, "Mom, you've got to see this!" I take one look and it's the video for "I'm Fat" and he can't believe that I've seen it before. Geez, we watched that when I was a teenager. Tristan and Aidan not only know the words but also some of the dance moves.

Next thing you know, he's telling Josh to add some of his songs to his mp3 player. Not just the old songs but he has new ones out also. A favorite of Tristan's is "Whatever you Like" which is also about food.

As Josh would say, "What a Nerd!" Ha!


Anonymous said...

That's hilarius! I didn't know that.

Shea said...

What's weirder is that they don't even get that he's making fun of the other songs, they like his songs just the way they are.

Anonymous said...

yepp... I knew that! Jon has the DVD! We will have to bring it for Tristan to see. Ha Ha. He has this song called "My Baby's in Love with Eddie Vedder". ...and I crack up b/c I totally love Eddie Vedder! ha ha! Check it out!

Jen said...

My kids made me watch some animated video of his called "Stuck in the Drive-Thru" It's so funny because it reminds me of going through the drive-thru with my hubby!

BTW, I just tagged you today!