Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring time in Colorado

Can you believe what we woke up to this morning? Wow! And we had a two hour delay for school. The boys were very happy! Honestly, I was happy also. I went back to bed after checking the news at 5 am and was able to get some much needed rest.

I don't mind getting snow. Even though I've lived here for a long time, I'm not sick of it. The natives constantly complain about snow and cold weather, yearning for summer. I've had enough of summer growing up in Texas and I never find myself looking forward to that. I would like to see some green grass and flowers though.

It's funny because the boys have lived here all of their lives and they hate our winters and snow! I think if we could move to Texas they would do it in a heartbeat.


Anonymous said...

Well, bring your butts on to Texas! Just kidding! You know what they say...."The grass is always greener on the other side". Just think about this, we are already getting to the 90s and the mosquitos are biting like crazy! It is not too fun to be outside with our "wild kingdom". Ha Ha! Love you honey! Wish I was there to bust my bottom in the snow with your kiddos again. Ha! :)

Shea said...

Oh Shell! You made me laugh this morning! Thanks for that. I love ya!

Anonymous said...

I would love it if it would snow here! I don't think I would get tired of the snow. I would love to get snowed in and not have to go to work. It's beautiful there when it snows. That's why I want to come when there is snow. Love you.

Shea said...

Come on up Steph! I wish we could know exactly when it will snow. It's a bit unpredictable but the weathermen are mostly on target during their weekly forecasts. Our weekend is looking fantastic, I can't wait! Soccer games in the sunshine!!! Love ya too!